We thought it would be helpful to create a resource page that you can always come to for important information. We recommend bookmarking it for your reference and convenience. Enjoy!
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, we may earn a commission (which we will tithe to our community church) if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that we have experience with all of these companies and links, and we recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we may make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
HSLDA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt, religious, membership organization that advocates for homeschooling, defends the civil rights of homeschoolers, and provides assistance to homeschoolers in hard times. We are governed by a board and no profits inure to the benefit of any employees or board members. Membership dues are not tax-deductible, but as a 501(c)(3), we are able to receive tax-deductible donations.
Singapore Math Inc. believes the highest quality math education should be accessible to all. Our commitment to this mission began over twenty years ago when we introduced the world to Singapore math, and it remains our guiding principle as we develop new and affordable Singapore Math® programs.
The Well Adjusted Child by Rachel Gathercole Socialization may well be the single most important aspect of education today. Homeschooling offers great social benefits to kids and parents. And when we understand them, our children are the ones who will win.
The Constitution Decoded, the ideas, concepts, and rules that make America are unpacked and explained in detail to help all of us, kids and parents too, become more informed citizens.
A bestseller gets even better! Every parent, teacher, social worker, therapist, and physician should have this succinct and informative book in their back pocket. Framed with both humor and compassion, the book describes ten characteristics that help illuminate—not define—children with autism. This book includes a bonus section which includes ten more essential, thought-provoking “things” to share with young people on the spectrum as they cross the threshold of adulthood, and an appendix of more than seventy questions suitable for group discussion or self-reflection. This new edition sounds an even more resonant call to action, carrying the reader farther in to understanding the needs and the potential of every child with autism. This is an amazing book that everyone who works with students with Autism should read. Click here to get the book.
The Most Comprehensive List of Special Education Acronyms.